Is your water damaging your skin?

Your skin is like a sponge, not a barrier. 

Every day, you absorb over 300+ chemicals from tap water, leaving your hair and skin dehydrated and damaged.

  • 95% Chlorine

    Chlorine, found in 95% of tap water, acts is a drying agent that dehydrates your hair and skin.

  • 60% Turbidity

    60% of tap water contains turbidity, which includes mud, rust, and micro-contaminants that may irritate sensitive skin.

  • 95% Micro-Plastics

    Micro-plastics are present in 95% of tap water, causing micro-abrasions and damaging sensitive skin.

  • 85% Too Hard

    85% of tap water is hard. Containing hard metals or excessive Mg2+ and Ca2+ that can clog pores and irritate the skin.

Hard Water Challenges

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Hard water solidifies skin oils, leading to clogged pores and various skin issues, including blackheads, pimples, and rosacea.

Irritated Skin

Chlorine is commonly added to tap water to eliminate microbes, but research indicates it can also trigger dryness and heightened sensitivity. Individuals with dermatitis may experience exacerbated symptoms in areas with chlorinated or hard water due to potential irritation from minerals and chemicals, potentially leading to flare-ups


Bathing in hard water elevates the skin's pH, hindering its ability to repair the skin barrier. Research indicates hard water diminishes skin hydration, heightens redness, and boosts levels of cytokines, proteins known to drive inflammation.


Although hard water isn't directly linked to causing psoriasis, its mineral composition can exacerbate the condition by dehydrating the skin and potentially worsening symptoms.

Dry hair

Hard water can coat your hair with a film of mineral buildup. This leaves your hair feeling filmy, straw-like, and weighs down curls, causing them to look 'limp.' Hard water erodes the hair's elasticity as it lifts the cuticle, leading to easier accumulation of buildup.

Reduced Natural Hair Growth

Hard water reduces shampoo lather, leaving behind soap scum that clogs follicles and worsens scalp conditions.

Dandruff & flakes

Hard water exacerbates scalp issues by disrupting its oil balance, leading to dryness or excessive oiliness. The mineral deposits from hard water can build up on the scalp, causing dryness for some and exacerbating flakes for others.

Alkalinity in hard water (pH 7.5+) can disrupt the scalp's naturally acidic pH, making it prone to irritation.

  • Minerals infiltrate the hair and crystallize upon drying, resulting in hair that feels brittle and is susceptible to breakage.

  • Hard water deposits soap scum on the skin, depleting moisture and leaving it congested and bumpy.

  • Hard water diminishes lather and leaves a residue of product and minerals, leading to itchiness and flaking.

Meet The #1 Water Filtration Device Made For Hair and Skin


  1. WHY WAIT? Preventing is Always Smarter Than Repairing!
  2. Maximize Health by minimizing Contaminants
  3. Glowing Skin: Banish dryness, acne and irritation.
  4. Natural Hair Restoration: Embrace your hair's true potential.
  5. Eco-Friendly: Support a conscious shower routine with our carbon filters.

Filter out 99% of water irritants that harm hair and skin health.

  • ❌Chlorine

  • ❌Metals

  • ❌Rusts

  • ❌Plastics

  • ❌Chloramine

  • ❌Arsenic

Improve Hair & Skin Longevity

This is a long-term game. The earlier you start taking care of your hair and skin naturally, the better. Start Today.

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Soft Hair & Skin

NUEAQUA eliminates 99% of Chlorine and Chloramine, as well as drying chemicals, to safeguard skin moisture.

Healthier Skin & Scalp

Boost skin moisture using NUEAQUA, vital for preserving elasticity and preventing premature aging.

Skin Quality

Reduces 99% of rusts, microplastics, and contaminants as small as 0.1 microns, reducing acne, redness and irritation.

Instant Hydration

Experience an instant boost of water quality and see noticeable changes just in 2 weeks.


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